Energy industry

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Energy industry

The energy industry is one of the fastest expanding industries in the last decade. Increasing requirements on safety, efficiency and availability are the main reasons for the construction of new and reconstruction of old nuclear or non-nuclear energy facilities.

We at PRO3con Group recognizes the importance of the energy industry therefore we are providing support in the development, design and simulation analysis to our worldwide customers. We stand for innovation with due regard to improving quality and safety. In the eyes of clients is our constant endeavor to overcome expectations for quality, deadlines and efficiency.

We encourage you to use our services and experience to realize your ideas and goals. Our department of industry will always come out to meet your plans.

Selected projects


Metsamor Armenia

Yunus Emre

TE Pruneřov

Duslo Šaľa

Lenzing - TENCEL

Profesional engineering team

Outsourcing engineering team.